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Youth sports’ response to COVID-19 has failed. Here’s what we need to do now.
We all want kids to play given the many physical, social and emotional benefits attached to sports. But we need to do so by following good science. Jon Solomon Opinion contributor Like much of America, youth sports organizers and parents are struggling to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people are trying their best to follow what can be confusing and frustrating

Ways to Help Your Child Focus During Online Learning
By Natalle Hay Kids removed from the structure of a classroom environment are being asked to do school from home amid all their favorite toys and electronics (and in the very places where they are used to sleeping, watching TV and really doing everything else BUT school). Don’t worry parents! To a young, inquisitive learner there is “distraction” everywhere,

Considerations for Youth Sports
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention As some communities in the United States begin to start youth sports activities again, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers the following considerations for ways in which youth sports organizations can protect players, families, and communities and slow the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Administrators of youth sports

Sugary Drink Marketing Targets Youth at Greatest Risk for Obesity
By The State of Childhood Obesity We’ve all seen the ads on TV, in magazines, on billboards and in our social media feeds—the ones with the icy glass of sugary soda on a hot summer afternoon or the one telling you that all you need to hike that mountain or even get through your work day is an invigorating energy

Dr. Eugene Allen Makes History with Urgent Care Chain in Los Angeles
By Derrick Dzurko (PR Web) Dr. Eugene Allen makes history with Urgent Care Chain in Los Angeles. Dr. Allen and Dusk to Dawn Urgent Care, known throughout Southern California, has been documented as the first African American owned medical chain of Urgent Care Franchises in Los Angeles and Orange County. ‘St. Gene ’as many calls him, has been a

Is reducing stress the key to lowering heart disease among African Americans?
American Heart Association News Researchers have long understood that African Americans experience a disproportionate level of high blood pressure and heart disease. As they’ve sought to understand why, evidence has emerged demonstrating the powerful role persistent, excessive levels of stress can play in cardiovascular health. But getting rid of that stress won’t be easy, they warn. “For decades, we’ve